Chris Answers Your Questions
As an investment advisor,what’s at the core of your approach to working with clients?
I’ve been working as an investment advisor for over 25 years, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned over time it’s this: Contrary to popular belief, it’s emotions – not logic or reason – that drives investors in making critical investment decisions. For that reason, financial advisors need to understand the emotional factors that drive their clients’ behavior, and their attitudes about risk-taking and money management. If they do, they will be better able to fashion wealth management plans that are suited to an individual client’s personality, temperament, and risk tolerance.
Where does the emotional mindset that drives a person’s thinking about investing come from?
How does this emotional template then drive an adult’s decision-making process about investing?
How does all of this influence your approach as a wealth advisor?
Talk more about your approach to investment advising. How is it different from that of other wealth advisors out there?
For me, advising people about their money isn’t about pushing specific financial products. It’s about truly understanding each and every client as an individual. For that reason, Working with the Emotional Investor blends fresh insights from social psychology and neuroscience, with sophisticated client engagement techniques, to help wealth advisors build strong and sustainable relationships with clients based on trust, empathy, and strong professional ethics.
You sound like a very philosophical guy, one’s whose approach to investment planning is based on more than just financial results for you or your client.
Yes indeed! I try to bring a servant leadership approach to my work with clients, believing that I’m there to serve their interests (personal, familial, financial) not my own. In fact, I devote an entire chapter of Working with the Emotional Investor just to the topic of servant leadership! One can only exercise servant leadership when one understands and appreciates the personality of one’s clients, and develops investment plans that are aligned with their unique personality, temperament, values, and financial goals. For me, this is at the heart of my fiduciary responsibility to those I serve.
You write in your book that understanding the dynamics of a client’s personality is always important but is especially important in high-stakes situations. Can you explain what you mean?
All people have an emotional “operating system” (the emotional template we talked about earlier) that is the foundation of their personality, and that governs how they operate in the world. For investment advisors it’s particularly important to understand how people’s personalities can change – or at least become more evident — in high-stakes or high-stress situations, such as when the stock market is in free fall or economic volatility and uncertainty are in the air.
In my experience, people take on one of three specific personality types when the financial stakes get high.
Some people become what I call “Fixers.” Fixers are people with a strong will to overcome whatever obstacles stand in their way. If you have a Fixer for a client, you generally know it because they like to be in charge and in control. They want to win at any cost.
Other people reveal themselves to be “Survivors.” Survivors tend to sacrifice themselves for causes they believe in, even if it goes against their interests. Survivors, for example, may hold on to a bad stock, even when it’s dropping in value, simply because they believe in that stock or have owned it for a long time.
Then there are “Protectors.” Protectors are focused on taking care of other people. Stewardship for others is at the core of the Protector’s personality. If you have a Protector as a client you’ll know it, because as part of their estate, investment, and retirement planning activities they’re likely to talk a lot about others including spouses, children, family members, and friends. They are guardians, stewards, and caretakers by nature.
I would never take a “one size fits all” approach to dealing with all these personality types. Each has different priorities, needs, and interests. So, I need to gauge my approach and strategy to each accordingly, based on my knowledge of them not just as clients but as unique individuals.
So, who is the intended audience for Working with the Emotional Investor? Is it wealth advisors or investors? Both?
Actually it’s both! I originally wrote this book to help wealth advisors better understand their clients from an emotional and psychological point of view, and to share client relationship building approaches and techniques that I’ve found can help any advisor take their work with clients to new levels. But the book is also a good read for anybody who’s interested in better understanding the connection between emotions and investing, and who’s interested in understanding their own personality and emotions when it comes to investments. So, in that respect, my book can help both wealth advisors and investors to be better at what they do with each other!
It sounds like Working with the Emotional Investor would be a great read for anybody in the professions of wealth management, financial planning, and retirement/estate planning. Where can people buy Working with the Emotional Investor?
Are bulk discount available?
Are you available for speaking engagements about your book and about the profession of wealth management and investment planning in general?
If people want to reach you where can they do so?
They can reach me at ChrisWhiteAuthor.com
Press Kit
Chris White In the News
ValueWalk’s ‘ValueTalks’ Podcast #1
ValueWalk’s ‘ValueTalks’ Podcast #2
‘When Meaning Drives Clients Decisions, Not Profits’
‘Counseling the Risk-Averse Client’
‘Understanding your Clients’ Dual Personalities’
‘Getting Emotional with Clients’
Check out Chris’ article in the American Association of Individual Investors: ‘The Dual Personalities of Investors’
Financial Advisor Magazine:
‘Advisor Identifies 3 Client Personality Types’
‘Is Your Client in the Dark Zone’
CFA Institute Article (March 2017 Edition)
Barron’s Financial Magazine Article
KPP Financial InvestTalk Podcast